Honing Wheel Applicable to Water Soluble Coolant

Grinding and Polishing Tools

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Honing Stone Applicable to Water Soluble Coolant

The industry has witnessed a trend towards the adoption of water-soluble coolant in response to demands for reductions in industrial waste (coolant/cleaning fluids) and improvements in the work environment. This honing wheel employs a newly-developed metal bond with outstanding self-sharpening capabilities, and is able to suppress clogging when using water-soluble coolant, deliver super machining efficiency, and sustain high-quality machining.


  • Washing process before and after machining no longer necessary with use of water-soluble coolant.
  • A clean work environment can be maintained.
  • Compared to standard wheels, the better abrasion resistance can reduce wheel sludge and other waste.


The inner surface of engine block cylinders
  • The inner surface of engine block cylinders

Production Range

Method Specification Length (mm) Width (mm) Number of set
Rough SD120-270M 60-80 3-4 8
Semi-finish SD325-500M 6
Finish SD800-2000M 4

Work Surface After Finishing Grinding

State of grinding surface


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