Corporate Philosophy

Contributing to society through our businesses—this is the philosophy to which our company adheres.

In the globalization of business, every corporation is strictly demanded to fulfill the social responsibilities as the impacts of its products and services on humans and the environment are constantly increased. Noritake has continued to exhibit and maintain the approach to business and the relationship with society in accordance with "The Noritake Creed" formed when the company was founded.

  • The Headquarters Plant at the company’s founding (1904)
    The Headquarters Plant at the company’s founding (1904)
  • Firing plant for mixed-firing of tableware and grinding wheels (around 1940)
    Firing plant for mixed-firing of tableware and grinding wheels (around 1940)

The Noritake Creed

In 1909, Ichizaemon Morimura, one of Noritake's founders, set down "The Noritake Creed," the philosophy to which our company is to adhere. Outlining concepts such as "Harmonious Coexistence and Co-prosperity," "Social Contribution," "Trust First," and "Integrity and Cooperation," have been upheld to this day, conducted by every member of the company.

Corporate Motto

Corporate Motto

Noritake Group’s Code of Ethics

Ethics Standards
Noritake Group’s Code of Ethics
  • Put in practices Noritake’s corporate motto of “Good Quality, Export, and Co-prosperity”
  • Observe the laws, regulations and social norms
  • Respect the human rights of employees
  • Preserve the global environment and contribute to affluent and comfortable local communities
  • Disclose information to shareholders, customers, and local communities

Noritake Group’s Code of Ethics1.82MB



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