Improving employee engagement

Basic approach

Based on the Ethics Standards and Standards of Conduct set down in Noritake Group's Code of Ethics, the Noritake Group respects human rights and diversity of all our employees. It is our basic policy not to engage in any unjust discrimination in the hiring, assigning, promotion or treatment of employees on the basis of age, gender, origin, nationality, race, disability, religion, political party supported, etc., and we promote participation of diverse human resources.
As part of our human rights education activities, we implement training on themes including human rights in the workplace and in corporate activities.

Improving work-life balance

Noritake promotes improvements in the work-life balance of our employees. In supporting diverse work-styles among our employees, we restrict overtime work, encourage use of annual paid leave, and have established a variety of holidays and leave systems adaptable to personal life events. In recent years, we have introduced and increased the use of a system that allows employees to take annual paid leave in units of one hour and a flextime system (shorter working hours or full-time) for employees who provide child care/nursing care. The work-from-home system introduced in 2020 as a measure to tackle the spread of COVID-19 was revised from April 2023 as a system for achieving a work-life balance to support flexible working styles. The result has been the spread among employees of a culture enabling more varied and efficient work, as well as a balance between childrearing and work.
A medical treatment support work system has been introduced to assist employees needing ongoing recurring or ongoing treatment. The system enables flexible work shifts to be designed based on the employee’s treatment plan. From April 2023, infertility treatment has also been included in this system.
As the percentage of female employees taking childcare leave has already reached 100%, we will focus on conducting company-wide activities aimed at increasing the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave.

Ratio and average number of days of Annual paid leave taken at Noritake

	Ratio and average number of days of Annual paid leave taken at Noritake

Promote health management

Understanding the vitality of employees to be the source of corporate vitality, the Noritake Group adopted a Health Management Declaration on April 1, 2020.
We actively work to improve the health of our employees and their families under our promotional structure, in which the company President serves as Group General Manager of the
Corporate Administration Group and the officer in charge of the Human Resource Department serves as Promotion Manager in partnership with health insurance associations, labor unions and occupational physicians led by the Human Resource Department. In recognition of these efforts, we were jointly certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi as an “Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (large enterprise category)."
"Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization” is a program that highlights outstanding large enterprises and SMEs with excellent health management, based on initiatives aimed at addressing health issues in communities, and efforts in line with health and productivity management promoted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Promote health management

Health Management Declaration

The Noritake Group understands the vitality of employees to be the source of corporate vitality, and we actively promote improvements in health for employees and their families.

We work to improve health awareness.

Strengthen health education
Foster a mindset that treasures health

We work to enhance physical and mental health.

Promote early detection & early treatment
Help improve meals, exercise, sleep and other lifestyle habits
Promote refreshment of body and mind

We maintain the work environment.

Maintain an environment in which everyone can work enthusiastically

System diagram

System diagram

Health improvement initiatives

The proportion of employees who have received the regular general health checkups at Noritake was 100% and the prevalence rate was 62.3% (FY2022). Occupations physicians check the results and provide health guidance and recommendations for medical examinations. The rate for detailed examinations was 76.5% (FY2021), leading to early detection and treatment. From FY2021, we increased the subsidy for screening for breast cancer, which has a large number of patients and has a low screening rate, and added it to the standard items of comprehensive medical checkups. As a result, the participation rate increased significantly from 13.5% in FY2020 to 44.4% (FY2022).
A live health seminar designed for employees and their families was held, and leaflet on health was distributed to raise awareness about health. In addition, a total of 950 people watched the live seminar, and the satisfaction rate was well received at 84% with feedback like “this led to an improvement in my health awareness” and “it provided useful information.”
The statistics on employee health habits are as follows.

Statistics on employee health habits

Statistics on employee health habits

We organize questionnaires for employees to verify their sense of awareness regarding health. For the absenteeism index*1 question on the number of days off taken due to illness or injury, 78% of employees responded “less than 2 days.” For the presenteeism index*2 question on their level of performance at work, 45% of employees responded “100% or better performance.” For the engagement index*3 question on the overall level of satisfaction as an employee of the Noritake Group, 49% of employees responded “Satisfied, somewhat satisfied.” We will continue to promote health management with the aim of increasing employee satisfaction.
*1 Absent due to health problems
*2 Decline in productivity at work due to health problems
*3 A measure of the strength of relationship of trust between employees and the company

Reduction in health risks

The insurance benefit expenses per member of the Noritake Group health insurance association have changed as shown below.

Reduction in health risks

The Noritake Group works with the health insurance association to reduce health risks. In particular, we consider the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases that can interfere with work if they become more severe, and we are working to improve the rate of receiving specific health guidance. In FY2020, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people receiving medical examinations dropped to 43.2%. However, in FY2021, the number exceed 59.2% due to the use of the Internet to improve efficiency.

Specific health guidance implementation rate (all Noritake Group health insurance association members)

Specific health guidance implementation rate
* Based on report to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (in October of following year)

We will continue to work to further improve the health of our employees and their families over the long term.

Mental healthcare

We work to improve mental health by conducting mental health education tailored to each employee seniority ranking level, from newly hired employees to managers.
Workplace improvement and analysis are conducted in light of the results of organizational analysis, as we work to reduce our overall risk.

Stress check receiving rate and overall risk score (NORITAKE CO., LIMITED)

Stress check receiving rate and overall risk score
* Value when the average is 100

Human resource development

The Noritake Group is promoting human resource development centered on on-the-job training (OJT) at each workplace. To support this OJT effort, we conduct "training by qualification" where employees can learn more about the roles required of them as well as the way to approach work in order to resolve issues and problems.
We also provide “training by purpose” and training for newly-appointed managers as OFF-JT to teach employees specialized knowledge and skills across a broad range of topics including sales, engineering, purchasing, legal affairs, and quality.
Correspondence courses are also provided for self-development, and there is a system that subsidizes full tuition fees for courses particularly recommended by the company. Many employees use this system to improve their language skills and acquire official qualifications.

Number of employees receiving official qualifications and taking correspondence courses (people)

Number of employees receiving official 	qualifications  	and taking correspondence courses (people)
Number of employees receiving official 	qualifications  	and taking correspondence courses (people)
  • Training by qualification (online)
    Training by qualification (online)
  • New employee training
    New employee training

Personnel System

The Noritake Company offers multiple personnel courses so that each employee can fully harness their individuality in their work. Employees can change from the course they selected via reviews.

Noritake is seeking to reform the personnel system based on the keywords of “diversity” and “challenge.” We are aiming to create a workplace environment where all employees with a broad range of backgrounds like gender, nationality, race, and level of expertise are able to apply their individual perspectives, experiences and skills to achieve more rational and organic collaboration.

Personnel System

Promotion of action plans based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, we have developed and promoted a "General Employers Action Plan." The aim of the plan is to advance diversity by promoting the active participation of women and contribute to securing excellent human resources and business growth.

General Employers Action Plan
Plan duration: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025

Under the action plan formulated so that women can demonstrate their abilities and play an active role, the number of female executives will be increased by 25% from the FY2021 level by the end of FY2024, and the ratio of male employees taking childcare leave will be increased to 50% or more. Initiatives are being implemented to encourage development of the environment to achieve this targets.
In FY2022, we held briefing sessions and internships limited to female new hires, to increase the ratio of female university graduates recruited. We also revised the guidebook on the childcare leave system published for male employees in order to raise awareness. We also aimed to reform awareness by holding leadership-related training for female employees without any experience working in management positions. In addition to running follow-up training in FY2023, training will also be run for nurturing managers with the aim of increasing the number of female executives.

Trend in the ratio of females as new graduate recruits (university or higher education)

Trend in the ratio of females as new graduate recruits 	(university or higher education)

Ratio and number of female managers (manager or higher)

	Ratio and number of female managers 	(manager or higher)

Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave

Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave

Communication with employees

In order to provide Noritake Group employees with awareness regarding company policies as well as education, Noritake publishes the Japanese edition of the Noritake Group internal newsletter “SAKIGAKE” 12 times each year, and distributes the global edition four times each year. In addition, the Noritake Corporate Report, is distributed once a year. In addition, this Noritake Corporate Report was also distributed.
In FY2022, town hall meetings designed for direct communication between the President and employees were held a total of eight times with the aim of establishing and promoting corporate culture reform.

Town hall meeting
Town hall meeting


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